Current labs:
Principal Investigator: Dr. Emma Duerden
Our research uses behavioural assessments & advanced brain
imaging techniques to study cognitive development in infants and
children. In the DBL, Michaela is involved in neuroimaging studies of
social cognition and also helps in the collection of brain data from
newborn babies at Victoria Hospital.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jody Culham
A major theme of the lab is Immersive Neuroscience: bringing
cognitive neuroscience research closer to the real world. The Culham Lab
has developed unique techniques for bringing the “real world” into the
constrained environment of the fMRI scanner and is moving in new
directions with simulated reality and functional near-infrared
spectroscopy (fNIRS). In the Culham Lab, Michaela studies the effects of
live interactions and visual realism on brain activation measured with
optical neuroimaging.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Charles Nelson
Michaela is currently a visiting researcher at the Laboratories
of Cognitive Neuroscience at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard
Medical School. Here, she is working on the Emotion Project, which aims
to examine whether individual differences in processing facial emotion
in infancy are related to later developmental outcomes.
Previous labs and projects:
Social Brain in Action Lab
and Social
Principal Investigator: Dr. Emily Cross
Supervisor: Dr. Ruud Hortensius
and Theory-of-Mind
The culmination of Michaela’s Master’s project at the University of Glasgow. Below are the resources for the publication “Exploring the relationship between anthropomorphism and theory-of-mind in brain and behaviour”, Human Brain Mapping.
We place emphasis on open, reproducible science by sharing data
and code.